YeoMama Club:
Sheng Li

Meet Sheng Li, also known as guitarstreet, a busker turned performing musician whose journey began on the streets of Singapore. Embracing the spontaneity and connection of street performances, Sheng Li has honed his craft and discovered a deep love for music.

With memorable performances, a passion for live music, and a dream to collaborate with artists like Jason Mraz, Sheng Li continues to inspire and entertain.

Dive into our interview to learn more about his journey, challenges, and the joy he finds in making music.

Can you share a bit about yourself and why the name “guitarstreet”?

Hi! My name is Sheng Li, and I'm a busker turned performing musician. I fell in love with performing while busking on the streets of Singapore, and wanted an easy way for people to remember me. The guy playing guitar on the street...? guitarstreet!

I was also posting a lot of content with me playing guitar, so I decided to adopt this moniker "guitarstreet".

Busking is a unique aspect and the start of your musical journey. What do you enjoy most about street performances?

I love how spontaneous it is. There could be nothing much happening for a while, and then suddenly somebody starts dancing beautifully along to your music.

I also love that I get to see people in brand new ways - it's really interesting how people open up and connect over a mutual love of music. Personally, busking is also a big way how I hone my craft. I try out new songs, and new ways to play old songs.

Is there a particular performance, whether in the studio, on the street, or at events - that stands out as a personal highlight for you?

There was this little 3 year old girl, Ellie, who I first met while busking at Hougang. One day, she came to watch my performance at Suntec Plaza (Music In The City). Ellie came forward and sang "Perfect" together with me, and it was one of my most memorable performances.

Many people don't know this, but I struggle quite a bit with anxiety (I can be rather conscious of my singing at times). But moments like this help me to get out of my own head, and recognize that my purpose in making music is to make an impact on the lives of others.

Do you remember the particular moment when you realised this could be more than just a hobby?

It has to be the very first time that I went busking on the streets. After passing my busking audition and getting a license, I sat on it for 3 months or so, as I was still afraid to busk. One day, I picked up my gear and just went for it. I was incredibly nervous at first... but when I saw many people giving me appreciative nods, I started to ease into it. A group of people even shouted "I love your voice!", and some friends even dropped by to say hello.

That session was a turning point for me, and ignited my love for performing thereafter. Performing live music is a very interesting activity - you have to juggle many emotions at once, and you learn a lot about yourself along the way. I love it.

How do you balance your roles as an artist and a recording studio owner?

It's not balanced... My recording studio "business" is in deep debt... lol!

I do really enjoy recording for other people, and I've done a few lovely recordings with couples that I performed for. Usually, they record a song together to be used for their march-in, and it's a truly different vibe.

Right now I'm just really focused on performing, and I'd love to get to do more recordings soon. I'm just not so good at it currently, so it takes fairly long to reach a final product that I'm happy with.

If you could collaborate with any artist, living or dead, on a dream project, who would it be?

Jason Mraz. I love his songwriting, his stage presence and good vibes! He is also an amazing live performer. I'd love to write a song with Jason Mraz and perform it live together.

What's your all-time favourite song to sing, and why does it hold a special place in your heart?

"Beautiful Mess" by Jason Mraz. The song is so well written lyrically and melodically, and it has a wonderful guitar intro. It also feels so sweet and laid-back, like you are sitting in a cafe by the river watching the world go by, and thinking about your love. I always get transported to another world when I sing it, and that's what the best songs always do.

When you're not in the studio or performing, what do you like to do for fun?

I love playing sports. I grew up playing volleyball competitively since I was 13, so that was my first love before music. I'm also an avid ski bum and love to play tennis as well.

If you could perform a spontaneous concert anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

I've not been to so many concert venues in other places... so I'd say The Star Performing Arts Centre (at Star Vista) haha!! I've watched many wonderful concerts there - Jason Mraz, Crowd Lu... many people don't know that Star Vista has a wonderful sound.

If I dare dream a little more, it'll be at Esplanade Concert Hall. The acoustics and decor are stunning, and both of these are really intimate venues which I love.

What guidance would you offer to aspiring vocalists aiming to build a career in the music industry?

Put yourself out there more, and give everything a try. Also, many people just get stuck because they've always only done one thing, but you should experiment with other things as well. If you've only done recorded covers, go play live more - and the other way around applies too.

What would you say if you were to describe YeoMama Batik to a friend?

YeoMama Batik is the modern batik fashion that you never knew you needed. Wearing YeoMama Batik brightens up my day and other people's too! I love how confident it makes me feel during my performances.