Founder's Musings: Painting a Batikful Family Portrait
In a world as diverse as the patterns of batik, families similarly emerge in beautiful, varied forms. As we celebrate our 6th anniversary with you, we invite you to wonder:
What does family mean to you?
In the meantime, from coordinating family outfits to the definition of family, our own musings took us to:
1. The Fits – Unity doesn't mean uniformity
We love the idea of coordinating outfits but also understand it might be overwhelming or over-the-top for some. Here’s the good news — you don’t have to be in identical pieces, prints, or colours to match!
In the colourful world of batik, different patterns can beautifully complement each other. Instead of suiting everyone up in classic matching solids, consider playing with patterns and colours to add flair to your family's look or portraits. The trick isn’t to match but to coordinate. Pick two to four colours that go well together, or experiment with complementary patterns.
Want to take it up a notch? Accessories are your secret weapon. Add a touch (or a lot!) of shimmer or sparkle to mix things up, but just remember that balance is key; pair them with neutral shades and basics for a visually pleasing contrast.
If you're feeling adventurous, play with textures and materials. Lace, mesh, chambray, gauzy or crepe fabrics, and even velvet can transform your look from subtle to stunning… The best part? There's no such thing as “too much” here — it’s the easiest, fuss-free way to add interest and create a visually dynamic ensemble!
2. The Structure – Diversity in prints, diversity in form
One of the most disruptive (and we mean that quite literally — none of that marketing jargon) but also fundamental ethos we have at YeoMama Batik is the existence of endless wonder and endless possibilities. Just as we frequently find ourselves flooded with millions of ideas, prints and patterns where no one is better than the last, we also believe there is no one way a family looks or “should be”.
The realm of batik is a world rich and wild with its array of patterns and colours. As cheesy as it may sound, families also sport their distinctive brand. We’d like to believe that batik, with its vibrancy and one-of-a-kind charm, stands as a symbol of unity and acceptance. It's all about embracing inclusivity and celebrating the beautiful diversity in orientations, races, and borders within the family context.
No boundaries. Only bonds.
3. The Ties – Celebrating unconditional love
And finally — the meaning of family, to us.
With 6 years of history, it’s almost impossible to run a business without:
- Running into some squabbles — both with family and staff
- Running into hiccups in our production process, given its handmade nature
- Running into a rollercoaster of emotions (occasionally!)
But with unfortunate incidents also come silver linings… This includes the certainty that all clashes, whether with family or staff, always have YeoMama Batik’s best interests at heart, and that no matter how heated things get, there’s an unshakeable assurance that everyone has one another’s back. This translates into a 100% safe zone where opinions flow freely, ideas spark discussions (sometimes, full-blown debates), and everyone leaves the office with nothing but good vibes.
And at the end of the day, that is the true DNA of YeoMama Batik — unconditional, inclusive acceptance. And it’s something we never take for granted.
With Love,
The YeoMama Batik team.