A Love Letter to the Most Batikful Mamas
From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to thank all the mothers who shared with us the loveliest, coziest Mother’s Day: the day ones would know the significance of this day for YeoMama Batik, and your presence deeply warmed us.
Let's relive this wonderful occasion.

FINALLY… After 6 years, here's our toast to all mothers
Amidst the tears, squabbles, laughter, and even strain, the driving force of this brand since day 1 was -and still is- the undeniable love between a mother and her daughter. YeoMama Batik would not exist without this relationship.
Hence, you could say the event was far beyond anticipated- it was absolutely necessary. We needed to honour the brand and this mother-child bond that created it, a rare gift that not all are blessed to have.
So… what better way to celebrate this than with a hodgepodge of activities just for you all! With lighthearted music, pies, makeovers and even a colour analysis workshop, we communed at our Ubi studio and partied the morning away.
As YeoMama Batik grew, a range of many batik clothing choices bloomed. This, however, left you all, our beloved customers, in a quandary: how do you find the best pick?! We felt it would be great if we could boost your confidence in your dress sense, so we decided to recruit the help of Palette Pro’s Jenny and Michelle, who could help you all choose the best shade for your skin…

We loved watching that mother-child moment playing again and again on Sunday; both of you flashing looks of mutual joy when either finds the perfect outfit for the other. (In moments like these, even whatever frustrations that may have existed between you both sap away, and everything’s well once again.)
We also loved hearing the unanimous squeals of approval as you both found the clothing colour for the other and the gasps when one of you saw the other all made up. Our hearts grew tender when we saw you scurrying eagerly to find that perfect tone of batik pieces for your loved one, like a kid in a candy store; your smiles made us smile. We enjoyed not just seeing you in your best, but seeing you reacting excitedly to each others’ best. The love we felt in these moments was so strong- we ourselves felt so loved, as though we were adopted into your families for the day.

What truly moved us, though, was seeing you children learn about the little things about your mothers- these came to light at the colour analysis workshop and makeover sessions: how their skin was cool like winter, or warm like autumn, how their eyes, which so lovingly watched us grow from babies to adults, now crinkle when they smile, how their bones contour and skin crease. We learned to see our mothers as their individual selves and fall in love with them again. Each of our mother’s personhood extends to even the smallest of characteristics, and just like batik, she truly is a complex tapestry of traits.
So, here’s to the quirks and the little traits of our mothers… Here's to that special love that can only exist between a mother and her child. YeoMama Batik proudly toasts to ALL of these.

Remember your mother is a gift, and always cherish her! ❤️
Desleen Yeo
Founder of YeoMama Batik